If you’re thinking about adopting a cat but are still unsure about the breed, it’s crucial to do comprehensive research and take into account all the traits of these small creatures. If you’re bothered by fur scattered around your home, on your bedding, and clothing, then you should initially seek out cats that don’t shed. You could choose a breed with short hair or even a hairless one.
Fortunately, there are several choices! Here are eight cat breeds known for not shedding:
Korat Cat Originating from an ancient breed named after a region in Thailand, the Korat cat has short, silver-blue fur that needs little grooming and doesn’t shed. Korat cats prefer tranquility and usually don’t tolerate excessive activity, noise, or strangers well, but they form a strong bond with their owners. They are muscular cats, typically weighing between 2 and 5 kilograms.
Singapura Cat Recognized as the world’s smallest domestic cat breed, the Singapura cat has numerous attractive features, from its diverse colors to its playful and intelligent nature. This cat is active and inquisitive, loves being the focus of attention, and needs plenty of love.
Bombay Cat Resembling a black panther, the Bombay cat gets its name from the city of Bombay, now known as Mumbai, in India. The breed was developed by crossing a dark brown or black Burmese cat with an American Shorthair, resulting in a cat with short, easy-to-maintain fur. It has a large, round head, large ears with rounded ends, and round, wide-set eyes, typically golden. It’s an energetic, smart, and playful cat.
British Shorthair Cat The British Shorthair cat, incredibly cute as both a kitten and an adult, is perfect for apartment dwellers seeking a feline friend. It resembles a plush toy, with dark gray or brown fur and a round head and eyes. Importantly, it doesn’t shed and is a long-lived breed, often living up to 20 years.
Bambino Cat The Bambino cat, one of the most popular hairless breeds, comes from Italy and is a crossbreed of the Sphynx and Munchkin breeds. Its name, which translates to “baby,” was chosen due to its small size and kitten-like appearance even when fully grown. It has large, playful eyes but is short with short legs, meaning it won’t wander too much. However, it’s incredibly adorable and very affectionate.
Donskoy Cat The Donskoy cat, originating from Russia, is a breed that includes both furry and hairless cats, although most have smooth, hairless skin. It’s a friendly and playful cat with humans but can be aggressive with other cats, regardless of their breed.
Levkoy Cat The Levkoy cat is also a hairless breed, and it’s a relatively new breed, first appearing in 2004. Like the Donskoy, the Levkoy cat has wrinkled skin and doesn’t cope well with extreme temperatures, so it needs to be kept in environments where the temperature is stable. It’s a sensitive and very endearing cat, with its breed origin being Ukrainian.
Sphynx Cat The most popular hairless cat is the Sphynx breed, named so because the initial breeders thought there were some similarities between this cat and the Egyptian sculptures displayed at the British Museum and the Louvre, depicting felines. Sphynx cats, also known as “naked cats,” are particularly sensitive but highly valued, being considered, in pre-Columbian times, as “divine gifts.”
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