Dogs are often referred to as man’s most loyal companion, and their unwavering affection and fidelity to their owners have been demonstrated in numerous instances. If you’ve chosen an Akita as your prospective “companion,” it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with certain specifics as this breed necessitates particular attention.
In the 17th century, Akitas were integral participants in hunting expeditions, aiding in the capture of wild boars, deer, and even bears.
The Akita breed, originating from Japan, is reputed to have “royal lineage,” and is recognized as the national dog in its homeland. Consequently, it enjoys considerable popularity in the Land of the Rising Sun, though it’s not as well-known in European territories.
Here’s everything you need to understand about an Akita dog and how to care for it!
Akita Dog Care Guidelines Akitas are highly intelligent and exhibit profound loyalty to their owners. However, it’s worth noting that they can occasionally display aggression towards strangers and do not appreciate being “provoked.”
Given their high energy levels, they require regular activity and vigilant supervision. If left unattended for extended periods, they’ll find their own “pastime,” which could result in some household damage and mischief. Furthermore, Akitas should ideally be raised in a spacious environment, preferably a yard, as they’re not typically suited to apartment living.
It’s crucial for someone to undertake the training of this animal, as Akitas are known for their somewhat “independent” temperament.
As previously mentioned, the Akita dog thrives in large spaces and prefers outdoor activities as it enjoys play and various physical exercises.
This breed can be trained effectively and responds well to commands, thereby becoming more disciplined. Given that it’s not the most submissive dog breed, you should also bear in mind that it can occasionally become “grumpy” around children if provoked.
Therefore, children should never be left unsupervised around such an animal as its reaction when provoked can be unpredictable.
Akitas excel in guarding and protection roles due to their courage, exceptional intelligence, and alertness.
Potential Health Issues in Akita Dogs While Akitas don’t typically have a high susceptibility to health issues, cancer is the primary cause of mortality in this breed. As they age, they may develop vision problems or gastric dilation and torsion (a condition common in medium and large-sized dogs), which is characterized by the rapid accumulation of air in the stomach.
These are, therefore, some of the things you should be aware of if you’re considering getting an Akita dog!
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